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After he became member of the IRIDIA laboratory (the AI laboratory of ULB), he is now heading this same lab with Marco Dorigo. Since 1992, he has an assistant professor position at ULB and has now become full professor, teaching computer science, Web technology, business intelligence, programming and AI.

Narrators of the film


Nathanael Ackerman

After he became member of the IRIDIA laboratory (the AI laboratory of ULB), he is now heading this same lab with Marco Dorigo. Since 1992, he has an assistant professor position at ULB and has now become full professor, teaching computer science, Web technology, business intelligence, programming and AI.


Hugues Bersini

After he became member of the IRIDIA laboratory (the AI laboratory of ULB), he is now heading this same lab with Marco Dorigo. Since 1992, he has an assistant professor position at ULB and has now become full professor, teaching computer science, Web technology, business intelligence, programming and AI.


François Taddei

Un chercheur français en "génétique moléculaire évolutive et médicale" et en éducation. Après un parcours d'ingénieur, il réoriente ses recherches vers la génétique. Responsable du département « Frontières du Vivant et de l'Apprendre » à l'Université Paris 5 et soutenu par la Fondation Bettencourt Schueller, il met en place des approches éducatives innovantes tels que les Savanturiers-École de la recherche.


Silvain Ordureau

Postdoctoral Research and Teaching Associate, University of Georgia Algebraic geometry, complex geometry, hyperka ̈hler geometry, Hodge theory, Calabi-Yau man- ifolds, automorphisms, symplectic varieties, Mirror symmetry.


Gil Babinet

Postdoctoral Research and Teaching Associate, University of Georgia Algebraic geometry, complex geometry, hyperka ̈hler geometry, Hodge theory, Calabi-Yau man- ifolds, automorphisms, symplectic varieties, Mirror symmetry.


Nikon Kurnosov

Postdoctoral Research and Teaching Associate, University of Georgia Algebraic geometry, complex geometry, hyperka ̈hler geometry, Hodge theory, Calabi-Yau man- ifolds, automorphisms, symplectic varieties, Mirror symmetry.


HUB School

Postdoctoral Research and Teaching Associate, University of Georgia Algebraic geometry, complex geometry, hyperka ̈hler geometry, Hodge theory, Calabi-Yau man- ifolds, automorphisms, symplectic varieties, Mirror symmetry.


Peter Theremin

Postdoctoral Research and Teaching Associate, University of Georgia Algebraic geometry, complex geometry, hyperka ̈hler geometry, Hodge theory, Calabi-Yau man- ifolds, automorphisms, symplectic varieties, Mirror symmetry.



Postdoctoral Research and Teaching Associate, University of Georgia Algebraic geometry, complex geometry, hyperka ̈hler geometry, Hodge theory, Calabi-Yau man- ifolds, automorphisms, symplectic varieties, Mirror symmetry.


« L’intelligence artificielle est porteuse d’une rupture civilisationnelle aussi importante qu’en son temps le fut l’invention de l’écriture. Elle initie un domaine révolutionnaire de l’industrie culturelle, ouvrant la voie à une forme d’art dans laquelle les oeuvres ne sont pas des objets inertes, mais de sensibles compagnons de vie prenant place dans notre intimité quotidienne.

La Living Mona Lisa est la première oeuvre de Living Art, mise sur le marché. »

Florent Aziosmanoff.

Installation ‘Pissenlits’ by Edmond Couchot & Michel Bret, the exhibition Artists & Robots at the Grand palais, 2018

It presents on a screen a set of nine dandelions, which sway in response to the breath of the viewer.

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