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“Motherland N 1”


directed by Lesya Matsko

produced by Natalia Ivanova



Film  about Oscar Rabine – famous artist.

Oskar Rabin was one of the originators of non-conformism and one of the organisers of the "Lianozovo Group".

Soviet material life and its dramatic absurdity was for many years the central theme of Rabin’s creativity.

Oskar Rabin was an organiser of the dissident Bulldozer Exhibition, by Moscow avant-garde artists on September 15, 1974.

The exhibition was forcefully broken up by a large police force that included bulldozers.

In 1978, Oskar Rabin emigrated to Paris.





"Who is Timur? 5 Stories”


directed by Lesya Matsko

produced by Natalia Ivanova




Festivals & Film Awards

Official selection International Film Festival «Molodist»


Film about Timur Novikov (1958-2002) — an artist, who was well ahead of his time; an icon, that smashed geographical boundaries

and sexual preconceptions; a legend, that single-handedly brought about the cultural revolution, — and won.


«Who Is Timur? 5 Stories» — a very special tribute to Saint-Petersburg avant-garde innovator,

an incredible portrait puzzle put together by people who knew Novikov.


These are:

Vladislav Kyshev, a scientist, geneticist and philosopher;

Valentina Belyaeva, a curator of the National Russian Museum «The Hermitage»;

Sergei Bugaev—Afrika, an artist, curator and actor, who was the main star of Sergei Solovyov’s movie-hit «ASSA»;

Vladimir Kulikov, a biologist, inventor and performance artist,

and, finally, a close friend of Novikov — Vlad Mamyshev-Monroe — an artist, leading actor in notorious post-modern 2006

remake of USSR classic «Volga-Volga», public figure and Russia’s Marilyn Monroe â„–1 fan.

Soundtrack is by «New Composers» — legendary Saint-Petersburg-based electronic experimentalists.





"No Value. Approved for export"


film-project by Lesya Matsko




Project developped by Lesya Matsko at the La Femis, French cinema school  | atellier ARCHIDOC
Projet officially supported by the Department of Cultural Cooperation of the French Embassy.


This project relates poetically the destinies of the artists who fled the USSR to create.

Today they are famous and live in Paris.

Beyond the rhythm of the crowded city, artists created the reality of their own freedom, without any boundaries.

Their strength of energy and depth of wisdom are shaped with their characters through the texture of art.

The surrealism of Soviet Union reality transformed into the paintings of Oscar Rabine and Eric Boulatov...

Their works are priceless today but only a short time ago the work of there non-conformist artists was exiled

from the Soviet Union with a stamp :

"Approved for the export from USSR. Art has no value".




“Portrait, written by depth”



co-production ARTCONCEPT7

State Department of the Cinematography, Ministry of the Culture and Tourism of Ukraine.


The film “Portrait, written by depth” by a director Lesya Matsko who won a Grant of the President of Ukraine

was co-produced in collaboration with the studio “Cinematographist”


Festivals & film awards :

Prix du Président de l’Ukraine pour le meilleur projet film documentaire.

Prix du Ministère de la Culture et des Arts de l'Ukraine.

Prix « Le film historique »  Festival de l’image Sous-Marines, Antibes France




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